One of the critical elements to consider in running a modern service center is if your Dealer Management System (DMS) connects to your electronic Vehicle Health Check (eVHC).
The electronic Vehicle Health Check (eVHC) has become a globally accepted industry standard for the automotive after-sales department. Instead of adding additional paperwork and costly procedure, it improves your workshop efficiency and profitability.
We bring a seamless integration between the autoVHC and Titan DMS. autoVHC is the leading Vehicle Health Check provider, and Titan DMS is the leading developer of cloud-based dealer management software for Automotive Dealers and Manufacturers globally.
Knowing the job status during the day allows staff better to manage changes in workloads or unforeseen customer demands. Titan DMS provides service centers a single-screen overview of every technician on-site, their current work status, and the status of the jobs they have allocated to them. This visibility is key in monitoring and controlling the workshop on a day-to-day basis.
Visibility is vital in monitoring and controlling the service center.
The benefit of integrating your DMS and eVHC is you remove the double-entry of approved work and drives the customer authorisation process. This streamlines the vehicle health check process to deliver more efficient and profitable results within your service center.
The Titan DMS and autoVHC integration is a level 6 integration, so there is a seamless transition between the systems.
Two systems working in complete harmony.
Together these systems are enhancing service centers across the Middle East. autoVHC caters for the market with a complete Arabic system and Titan DMS built to tailor for service center in the Middle East.
To learn more about Titan DMS and autoVHC, click here.