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Improve workshop productivity, upsell opportunities and customer experience

Digitalize Your Service Lane

Technology digitalising the vehicle service lane.

autoVHC is a cloud-based platform that digitally streamlines the vehicle health check process. The system removes manual labour and double-entry with in-built function flows to deliver more efficient and profitable results than a paper-based VHC system.

The platform is multi-lingual, allowing manufacturers to establish a standardised VHC process across their networks, delivering consistency of customer experience in keeping with their preferred brand values.

Increases efficiency versus a paper-based process allowing a repairer to inspect, price and communicate offers in less time.

Built-in analytics provides real-time performance analytics to allow management to improve sales performance.

Structured inspection process - Better control and measurement of inspection performance delivering higher revenue and profit on every service visit.

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Enabling Middle East service centers 

to create an easy-to-control workflow 

Improve productivity and a structured inspection process allowing for better control and measurement of the inspection performance. 

The state-of-the-art mobile walk-around vehicle inspection feature can adapt to retailers of all sizes and any processes already in place. 


Globally recognised & trusted

autoVHC  is endorsed by some of the world’s largest motor manufacturers as a proven way to boost workshop sales. 

autoVHC Is a product from Snap-on Business Solutions, a business unit of Snap-on Incorporated. 

We are the authorised distributor for autoVHC in the MENA region.

Since 2007 autoVHC electronic vehicle health check (eVHC) software has helped dealerships worldwide generate more than $1Billion dollars of service business.


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Service video and animations to improve customer retention

Bring your electronic vehicle health check to life with the addition of video and photo assets. Technicians use the same inspection tool to add photo or video evidence of the fault found to the VHC.


Using the same tool for both the eVHC inspection and video reduces the time and complexity of operating a separate video system.

Technology for the modern customer and the future of vehicle servicing.

autoVHC allows you to stay connected with your customers through current communication streams by creating and modern and interactive communication process. Improve customer communication with not only an easy to read health report but with engaging and effective video content.


Get the message across in simple, engaging, and effective videos

With over 500 service and repair animations, service advisors can improve customer communication with not only an easy to read health report but with engaging and effective video content.

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Service AI

Generate more service appointments, increase customer loyalty and improve operational productivity

Service AI provides a cost-effective, fully-automated communication platform that enables dealers to drive more service appointments. By continuously mining vehicle purchase and service records, Service AI targets prospective customers at key points throughout the ownership lifecycle. And with hyper-personalized messages, you’ll see higher response rates than with any other conversational AI solution available today.

Vehicle sellers need to adapt their service outreach strategy to today’s on-the-go consumer: that’s why Service AI leverages email communications, along with data-driven response optimization algorithms, to deliver the industry’s highest shopper engagement rates — all while keeping consumer data safe and secure. Impel maintains a steadfast commitment to respecting consumer privacy and adhering to all state and federal communication regulations.


AI Lead Generation

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Digital Retailing Technology

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Dealer Management System

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